CATTAÏ Silvano

Belgium born from italian parents in 1951. Graduated high school in 1968 and moved to Paris, France in 1969 he studied films and human sciences at the university of Paris VIII. Worked in film and paint (oil painting, Acrylic, multimedia). Moved to USA in 1979 to study film at the American Film Institute of Los Angeles. In 1980 he moves to New York city to work in film and paint. in 1984 studies at the Art Student League in NYC and starts to sculpt. In 1989 moved to Italy (Pietrasanta - Carrara - Seravezza) to work exclusively stone, bronze and other metals. He lives and works in Seravezza (Lucca - Italy).

Since early 1990's Cattai has devoted himself to sculpture, developing his personal research and showing several Europeans art gallery. In the main time he has realized monumental and public sculpture around the world.

2015 Geneva - Galerie Marianne Brand

2014 Pietrasanta (LU) Italy "Homo Faber"

2013-14 Nyon Switzerland - Fondation Lemart

2012 Geneva, Switzerland - Luv-Art; University of Belgrade, Serbia

2011 Paris, France - Galerie Sponte; Galerie Nelly L'Eplatenier, Lausanne Switzerland

2010 Pietrasanta, Italy – Museo dei Bozzetti

2008 “International Symposium of Sculture”; Caorle Italy - Gestald Gallery; Pietrasanta (LU) Italy

2007 Shenzhen sculpture symposium, China - Galerie Nelly L'Eplatenier, Lausanne

2006 Tablart gallery, Neuchâtel Switzerland City hall of Le Locle, Switzerland

2005 Hualien Symposium, Taiwan Amor Marmoris, Levigliani, Italy

2004 Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, Lucca Italy Tablart gallery, Neuchâtel Switzerland

2003 Enolia, Fondazione Arkad, Seravezza Italy Icheon, 6th International Symposium, Korea Seravezza – Hong-Kong, Italy

2002 Palazzo del Consiglio, Firenze Italy Gallery Bell'Arte, Maastricht Holland Arkad, Seravezza Italy ART-MAH Mah, Genève Switzerland

2001 Symp. Du Granit, Bretagne France Symp. Tanger, Marocco Symp. Longo, Burkina Faso

2000 Mac 2000 Paris, France Symp. Chartreuse, France Arte nella Citta La Spezia, Italy Studi Aperti Asart Pietrasanta, Italy Gallery Bell'Arte, Maastricht Holland Symp. Ben Amira, Mauritania

1999 Museo di Pescara, Italy Symp. Guilin, China

1998 Symp. Verona, Italy Chateau Nercanne Maastricht, Holland Museo Pianeta Azzuro Roma, Italy

1997 Symp. Seran Normandy, France 1996 ART-MAH Mah, Genève Switzerland Gallery Bell'Arte, Maastricht Holland

1995 Jilie Gallery Viareggio, Italy ART-MAH Mah, Genève Switzerland Mac 2000 Paris, France

1994 Mostra Gioia Lazzerini Pietrasanta, Italy Symp. Seravezza, Italy Centre culturel Louis Aragon Orly, France Salon d'Art Contemporain Champigny, France

1993 Biblioteca Sant'Agostino Pietrasanta, Italy Mac 2000 Paris, France

1992 Landucci Progettazione Quercta, Italy L'Art de Noe Gallery Paris, France

1991 Rempire Gallery New York, USA F. Amigo Gallery Albuquerque New Mexico, USA

1990 Amilys Gallery Bruxelles, Belgium

1989 Brooklyn Outdoor Show Brooklyn, USA

1988 Montvale New Jersey USA - Empire Fulton Ferry State Park Brooklyn, USA

1987 New Firenz' Lorca, Spain

1986 Barduffi Gallery Scottdale Arizona, USA 10 on 8 New York, USA

1985 BBH Entreprises New York, USA Free Lunch Alternative Space New York, USA

1984 Gallery 96 Paris, France Chateau Beaurgard Thuin, Belgium Phoenix Design Plaza Phoenix, USA

1983 Casa di Mateo Manzanilla, Mexico Design Work Gallery Phoenix, USA

1982 Westbeth Gallery New York, USA.